Order a Bouquet of Roses
When you receive a beautiful flower arrangement as a gift, the question of how to keep roses in a vase the longest begins to worry. Experienced florists will share the secrets of proper care for cut plants. Remember simple recommendations that will help to prolong the life of flowers.
Roses are classified according to external characteristics and cultivation characteristics. Modern rose growers most often distinguish 9 garden groups.
- Park roses. This group includes ancient roses, including decorative rose hips. As the name implies, such plants are often used for landscaping parks and gardens; they look great both in single and group plantings. Park roses are winter-hardy, rarely get sick and are not very picky about caring for them. They often decorate flower beds on city streets. In decorative varieties of park roses, the flowers reach 10 cm in diameter, they are single or collected in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. The leaves are large, leathery, and wrinkled. The height of a wide and dense bush is usually 1-2 m.
- Remontant roses. The main feature of these roses is repeated flowering. On vigorous (up to 2 m in height), erect and spreading bushes, large, fragrant, double flowers with a diameter of 8 to 16 cm bloom in the second half of June. Most often they are red, pink, beige, white or yellow. In July-August, remontant roses bloom again, although not so abundantly.
- Hybrid tea roses. These popular roses are descended from heat-loving Chinese tea roses crossed with remontant roses. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain flowers whose characteristics were superior to all previously known species and varieties. However, with proper care and good winter cover, they bloom profusely all summer.
- Polyantha roses. On low, dense and heavily branched bushes in mid-July, many small roses (up to 6 cm in diameter) bloom, collected in inflorescences of 20-100 flowers. They can be either simple or terry. Polyantha roses bloom until late autumn; their cut flowers can last up to 15 days. In the middle zone, the bushes of these roses require light shelter. Polyantha roses are most often used in group plantings and borders, and some low varieties are suitable for growing in containers.
- Floribunda roses. Flowers can be either simple or double. They are quite large (the shape and size are similar to hybrid tea roses) and are collected in inflorescences.
- Miniature roses. This is a small copy of garden roses. Densely leafy bushes up to 40 cm high with small double flowers of a wide variety of colors (from greenish to purple) are often grown indoors. Here roses can bloom almost continuously all year round. And in open ground, miniature roses bloom from May to late autumn and require light shelter for the winter. Miniature roses look great in rocky hills, rock gardens and borders, and they are also used to create boutonnieres to decorate hairstyles or festive outfits.
- Ground cover roses. This group includes creeping shrubs with densely leafy long shoots (up to 4 m) that densely cover the soil. Flowers can be simple, double or semi-double, small or medium. Most groundcover varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. Such plants do not require special care and are resistant to fungal diseases. Ground cover roses are used for landscaping slopes and creating standard weeping roses.
- Climbing roses. These roses have small flowers (2-5 cm in diameter), collected in large inflorescences, and long, creeping shoots (lashes) that require support. Therefore, climbing roses are usually used for vertical gardening: they decorate pergolas and arches.
- Shrub roses (scrubs). This group unites powerful rose bushes, which are distinguished by their tall growth, abundant and long-lasting, but single flowering, and good resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. This group also includes large wild rose bushes and Austin English roses - with densely double flowers that exude a rich aroma.
Climbing roses are usually divided into 2 groups:
- Small-flowered (ramblers) - with shoots up to 5 m long, small, odorless flowers that bloom once.
- Large-flowered (climbers) - with larger flowers, shaped like hybrid tea roses. They may bloom again during the summer.
There are a huge number of roses. And every year, world nurseries develop new varieties. How to navigate all this diversity if you are a beginner?
We will help you:
- understand what groups of roses exist;
- learn to identify the variety of your roses;
- understand which varieties of roses are suitable for our climate;
- choose the right variety of roses for your garden.
Flower types are distinguished by the number of petals. Everything is simple here.
- Simple - less than 8 petals.
- Semi-double – 8-20 petals.
- Moderately terry – 21-29 petals.
- Medium double – 30-39 petals.
- Dense double – more than 40 petals.
The shape of the flower also varies.
Hybrid tea roses
The most common group. The bush is from half a meter to 1 meter high, with straight strong trunks, and it bears single large flowers. The diameter of the flowers is from 5 cm for a medium rose and can reach 15 cm for a large one. The flower consists of numerous petals and has a clearly visible central cone. The richness of the colors of such roses is amazing: from delicate white to noble burgundy.
In addition, there are two-color varieties, and even roses that change color as they bloom. Hybrid tea roses bloom from about June 20 until the first frost. The first wave of flowering lasts a month - until the end of June, then after a short break the second wave of flowering occurs until late autumn. They are resistant to pests and disease infections, but do not tolerate winter well. Therefore, they need reliable shelter. Hybrid tea roses last a long time when cut, so they are often given as bouquets.
Most brides prefer roses when composing their wedding bouquet. And this is not surprising. These flowers are associated with love and romance, and also perfectly complement both a classic fluffy white dress and a modern formal outfit. Another plus is that they last a long time. And after the celebration, you can dry the symbolic decoration to keep it as a keepsake. However, roses have a fairly rich palette. And each color has its own unique meaning.
A variety of flower arrangement styles allows you to make your wedding decoration unique and inimitable. It is the choice of style that largely determines the overall appearance of the wedding hall and the atmosphere of the celebration. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.
The parallel style of decoration with flowers is distinguished by a special organization of space. All inflorescences and plants are located on the same level, forming slender vertical lines. This creates a feeling of unity and harmony in the space of the wedding hall. The flowers look natural and free, creating a single flower field. The parallel style is ideal for those who prefer a minimalistic and sophisticated design. Gives a wedding reception elegance and structure.
Create elegant vertical arrangements using long, flowing flowers (like lilies or gladioli). Place them along tables or on counters to create slender lines. Add greenery and decorative elements to give your arrangements a fuller, richer look.
The decorative style offers bright and rich compositions. The important thing here is the contrast of colors, shapes and textures. The main elements are large bouquets with a variety of flowers and decorative elements. This style is perfect for those who want to add brightness and variety to their wedding. It creates the impression of abundance and luxury, becoming a real decoration of the wedding hall.
Vegetative style strives for maximum naturalness and freedom. Repeats the natural shapes of plants and flowers, creating the feeling that they are simply growing right on the wedding table or in the hall. The vegetative style is suitable for those who prefer ease and freshness. Gives a wedding banquet a natural charm and creates an atmosphere of relaxed romance.
Use live plants and greenery to create a natural atmosphere. Place small succulents or floral arrangements of herbs and greenery on tables and shelves. Add shrubs or ornamental trees in the corners of the room to create a real garden feel. This design style goes perfectly with natural materials - wood or stone.
Each color carries a symbolic meaning.
Red roses
One of the meanings of red roses is love, ardor, passion, attraction, or love confession. Mono-bouquets of these flowers are especially in demand for Valentine's Day or for dates. In a New Year's bouquet they are considered a symbol of family happiness and festive comfort. Florists often play with contrast, adding white buds to red ones. Here these flowers mean harmony and unity. Another meaning of red roses, like other red flowers, is blood shed in battle on the battlefields for the Motherland or for noble causes.
White roses
In Europe, it is customary to give white roses to strangers or work colleagues. Here white is considered a neutral color. White roses are often given to newlyweds. In our culture, this color symbolizes youth, innocence, purity of thoughts, transparency of intentions, and sincerity. In a composition with other flowers, you can give them to your mother, grandmother, or friend. In this case, they will mean agreement, unity of thoughts and views. But giving white roses to strangers or including them in business bouquets is not customary.
Also, each color is matched to different events too.
White roses
Most often, brides choose white roses. Such an elegant bouquet does not attract much attention, allowing you to draw the eyes of others to the luxurious wedding dress. This is an ideal option for those who avoid bright accents in their image.
White roses symbolize fidelity, purity and innocence, which is why they have gained particular popularity among brides. These flowers also represent eternal love and a new beginning, which is especially important since every girl's life changes dramatically after marriage.
You can also use white roses in your wedding space decoration. For example, place vases with fresh flowers on tables. They are ideal for those who want to organize an event in a classic or modern style, and will fit perfectly into a minimalist interior.
Red roses
These bright flowers indicate deep affection, admiration for a partner, passion and a strong relationship based solely on feelings. Include them in your wedding bouquet to add some color to your look. You can also wear scarlet lipstick if you want to break away from tradition. By the way, experts advise using red roses to decorate the space if your wedding is taking place in the fall or winter. This will create a more romantic and colorful atmosphere indoors when the weather outside is not the sunniest.
Yellow roses
Such a bouquet will symbolize warmth, comfort, freedom and mature love; it also indicates that the partners care about each other. You should be extremely careful with these flowers, sometimes they mean friendly relations and even symbolize infidelity. It all depends on your own associations.
Ivory roses
Cool white roses literally blend into a classic dress. If you want to slightly highlight the bouquet and make the image more delicate and soft, we recommend paying attention to the color ivory or cream. Roses in this neutral warm shade symbolize luxury, elegance, grace, perfection, charm and innocence.
They are suitable for brides who have chosen a feminine and sophisticated long dress and romantic hairstyle. Such a bouquet will emphasize the fragility of the girl. These flowers will fit perfectly into the interior - they will complement the white background and add airiness and lightness to the space.
Orange roses
This option will definitely appeal to creative individuals who dream of a unique bouquet that emphasizes individuality. Few people decide to take such a step, since bright flowers can distract from an elegant dress. All details of the image must be in harmony.
If you plan to appear at the celebration in an unconventional outfit, then these flowers will definitely suit you. Orange roses represent love, passion, gratitude, happiness, loyalty and support. However, they also symbolize friendship, which scares many brides. We recommend not collecting a bouquet exclusively from these flowers, but supplementing them with white or dairy plants.
Pink roses
If you are a romantic person, then feel free to choose pink roses. They are associated with femininity, naivety, gratitude and appreciation. True, these flowers are not a symbol of love, but rather represent nascent feelings, so they are not entirely appropriate for brides who want their bouquet to have a special meaning. However, we do not recommend blacklisting these flowers. By the way, they will look good on the holiday table.
Peach roses
These flowers are suitable for brides who dream of a non-standard bouquet that will not attract too much attention. They are usually chosen by those organizing a wedding in the summer or spring. A delicate peach shade will fit perfectly into a festive look, making it more delicate. Peach roses symbolize honesty, sincerity, gratitude, modesty and warmth. They indicate harmony in the relationship between partners. We recommend adding white flowers to this bouquet.
Lilac roses
These flowers look no less delicate and feminine than the previous options. They will make your wedding look creative and unique. Lilac roses are associated with adoration, charm, mystery and mystery. They symbolize love at first sight. So if you immediately after the meeting began to develop feelings for your partner and instantly realized that he was the one, then this bouquet is definitely suitable for you.
The life of any flower is not endless, whether it grows on your plot or pleases you at home in a vase. However, when you receive a gorgeous bouquet of roses as a gift, you want to keep its luxurious appearance and pleasant smell as long as possible. Cut flowers can last up to several weeks, instead of the usual 2-3 days. Let's tell you about some tricks that will help to keep cut roses fresh.
How to preserve cut roses for a long time? One of the effective means is “feeding”. What matters is water: its composition and temperature. Under such conditions, it will be possible not only to preserve the beauty of the bouquet, but also to help it liven up even more.
- Antiseptic. It can be aspirin, activated carbon, ammonia - a few drops are enough. This will prevent germs from breeding. Any silver object can serve as a good antiseptic.
- Sugar. Used as a top dressing, it is a source of carbohydrates. It is enough to add 2 teaspoons. Roses really like slightly sweetened water.
- Vinegar with sugar. You need to make a solution by adding one teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of vinegar. An alternative could be citric acid.
- Cleaning agent. Any bleach or dishwashing gel will do. It is enough to add 1-2 drops. The chemistry works well against bacteria and prevents water contamination.
- Alum. This is a natural remedy to get rid of germs. An alternative could be vodka. Just add a few tablespoons to the water.
In our online-store you can purchase a ready-made solution for flowers, but if desired, the nutrients are prepared from “improvised means”.
It is not at all necessary to find ways to write a creative note. It is enough just to congratulate the newlyweds on the new stage of life and wish them happiness. However, if the newlyweds are your close friends, then you can write something unique for them. For example, you can remind them of some joint trip, and wish them to always be as happy as they were that day. Or make a riddle, the answer to which will be some hint reminding them of a very pleasant event. This way you will make both pleasant to your friends and remember them with your original congratulations!