At Huge Bouquets, we are committed to providing exceptional service and delivering the freshest flowers directly to your doorstep in Los Angeles. Our delivery policy is designed to ensure that your flowers arrive on time and in perfect condition.

  • Same-Day Delivery: Orders placed before 3 pm are eligible for same-day delivery, allowing you to send last-minute gifts with ease. Please ensure your order is placed by the cutoff time to take advantage of this service.

  • Delivery Radius and Fixed Fee: We deliver within a 25-mile radius of our store located at 408 East 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014. For these deliveries, a fixed fee of $30 is charged, ensuring straightforward pricing regardless of distance.

    For your convenience, when you enter your delivery address and specify your ZIP code during the payment process, our system automatically calculates the delivery radius. If you are able to place your order, this confirms that we provide delivery to your address. Conversely, if you are unable to complete your order, it indicates that delivery is not available in your area.

  • In-Store Pickup: For those who prefer to collect their bouquets in person, we offer a free pickup option at our store location.

Floral Compositions Policy

At Huge Bouquets, we understand that sending flowers is a personal and meaningful gesture. Our floral compositions policy ensures that your sentiments are conveyed just as you intended.

  • Personalized Messages: Customers may include a personalized message with their floral compositions. These messages are private and confidential, shared only between the customer and the recipient, ensuring your thoughts reach them just as you wish.

Substitution Policy

At Huge Bouquets, we strive to create floral arrangements that are true to the images displayed on our website. However, the beauty of nature is in its variability, and certain conditions may require us to make substitutions.

  • Theme and Temperament Guarantee: While the specific flowers and containers shown in our photos may not always be available, we guarantee to maintain the overall theme, style, and temperament of the arrangement you selected. This means that any substitutions made will preserve the integrity of the design.

  • Quality Substitutions: Substitutions may be necessary due to weather, seasonality, and market conditions. Rest assured, any substitutions will be made with flowers or containers of equal or higher value, ensuring that the beauty and quality of your arrangement are not compromised.

We appreciate your understanding and trust in us to deliver beautiful, high-quality floral arrangements. If you have any questions or special requests, please don't hesitate to contact us.

This policy is effective as of 11.02.2024 and may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our practices or the needs of our customers. Please review it regularly to stay informed about how we are delivering the best possible service to you.

Thank you for choosing Huge Bouquets for your floral needs.